
designed to help citizens to better understand the challenges and opportunities of the energy transition and to engage in their personal life.


















Million people targeted

Climate change and energy transition



The objective of this portfolio is to address the complex nature of energy and climate change through a set of short explanatory, pedagogical and easy-to-read fact sheets.

Test your knowledge

Test your knowledge

Playing this will enable you to learn and try yourself on climate and energy issues, with focus on the scientific/historical basis, the policies led in these fields and the role of citizens in the transition towards sustainability.

Test your memory

Test your memory

This game will allow you to work on your memory but also to learn on the carbon footprint of products/individuals across the world.

Eko & Logy

Eko and Logy

This game takes place on an isolated island where a brother and his sister, Eko and Logy, live. The construction of a new bridge will change their lives: they will be finally able to travel through various areas and learn more about their home's climate.

Carbon Footprint Calculator

Carbon footprint calculator

Assess your own carbon footprint using our dedicated ethiCarbon® calculator.

Do's and Don'ts of the Energy Transition

Do's and Don'ts of the Energy Transition

Play your favorite card games with C4ET's own deck "do's and don'ts of the energy transition".

Linking home life and working life for energy transition

Surfing in the deep of a sustainable office

Surfing in the deep of a sustainable office

This tool graphically demonstrates the importance and influence of companies on energy and resource use, the economic benefits of saving measures, as well as tips and further links for the implementation of measures at home.

Project of the month

Project of the month

This tool allows companies to draw employees' attention to various energy issues. The tool explains company's energy management briefly and simply.

Sustainable employee of the month

Sustainable employee of the month

Test your knowledge: beginner or advanced when speaking about energy transition? This tool is a quiz.

Guideline: Sustainability Day

Guideline: Sustainability Day

Let’s use this tool to organise your own eco-friendly clean-energy-celebration. This guideline aims to help companies to draw the attention of their employees to a future-oriented energy supply concept.

Sustainability in European Companies

Sustainability in European Companies

The Interactive Map brings you in the world of the “bests”. Let’s explore this Google Map and find examples of sustainable practices within companies in every partner country.

Citizens-driven circular economy in buildings

Renovate: repair, reuse and recycle

Brochure: "Renovate: repair, reuse and recycle"

This brochure is made to raise awareness of citizens on possibilities to reuse building materials when undergoing a house renovation.

Circular economy in renovation

Poster: Renovate and extend the lifetime of materials

This infographic gives in a glimpse the main elements that can be maintained, repaired, improved, reused or transformed instead of being thrown away like it mostly happens during house retrofit.

Circular economy and refurbishment

Board game : circular economy and refurbishment

Do you want to raise attention on possibilities to reuse and transforming materials on a playful way? This is your game!

Inventory notebook

Notebook: inventory

This notebook offers a method to help you to reuse materials when you renovate your home.

Conference: Circular renovation

Conference: Renovate circular

This presentation tackles the circular economy issue in building renovations based on the four Rs principle: Reduce, Repair, Reuse, and Recycle

Citizens involvement in energy policies

Citizens' views on energy consumption

Energy transition survey

The goal of this survey is to address citizens’ attitudes towards their energy consumption.

Your opinion counts

Your opinion counts

Your opinion counts! This poster aims to emphasise the fact that each one of us has the possibility to participate in decision making processes related to the environment and energy and to contribute to the overall prosperity of the community.

How much do you know about energy transition?

How much do you know about energy transition?

This quiz will help you learn something new about energy transition in a fun and easy way. Feel free to share your result with your Facebook friends! That way you can also inspire your friends to take the quiz and learn something new.

Submarines game

Submarines game

This game is a modified version of the well-known submarines game. You can learn and repeat some basic facts related to energy transition by playing this game. The game is made for 2 players.

How to participate in energy policies as a citizen

How to participate in energy policies as a citizen

Do you want to know how to participate in energy policies as a citizen? Read this ebook and find out! This ebook will introduce you with the mechanisms of public participation in policy development processes.

The energy transition in rural areas

Assessment and Auto diagnostic

Assessment and auto diagnostic

This tool is an auto diagnostic instrument to test your knowledge in the field of energy transition in rural areas.

Interactive map

Interactive map

The aim of this map is to provide a visual identification of some of the many initiatives that are led in the rural zones of Europe, and in particular of the six countries of C4ET project, to promote sustainable development, protection of the environment, energy conservation, renewable energy development, sustainable agriculture, etc.

``Cantine d'Uva`` Virtual Tour

"Cantine d'Uva" Virtual Tour

This short virtual tour will show you – through text and images - a best practice for energy transition in rural areas: Cantine D’Uva in Larino, Italy and its innovative system for the conservation of wine based on geothermal energy.

Circular economy in rural areas

Circular economy in the rural areas

What is circular economy? Targeted for citizens living in rural areas and interested to learn more about, this puzzle will make you learn the benefits of circular economy, how it's functioning and some example for rural areas just by playing it.

Innovations in rural areas

Innovations in rural areas

The present e-book, is dedicated to the topic of energy transition in rural areas with a specific aim to raise awareness about potential homemade rural innovative actions for citizens.

Influence companies to adopt eco-friendly policies

Think green play green!

Think green play green!

The board game “Think green play green” is a tool designed for citizens who like to play and think at the same time.

Be a green officer!

Be a green officer!

This “Poster” was designed for companies who are willing to engage and raise their employees’ awareness on practical energy issues.

Renovate your company with innovation

Renovate your company with innovation

This ebook is about “How can citizens influence companies to behave in more eco-friendly ways – Innovation related issues”.

First steps!

First steps!

This interactive prezi presentation provides a brief introduction to important issues related to CSR, Innovation and consumer protection.

Decision tree game

Decision tree game

This decision tree is an interactive game played on-line. You will be asked to address specific situations which may happen at your workplace, and this may take you 10-15 minutes.

Climate change and energy transition

The world as we know it is confronted to its own limits; the pressures on the environment and on energy resources are rising exponentially, and the repeated environmental, economic and social crisis are reinforced by the impacts of climate change. Our current consumption and production patterns generate imbalances that cannot be sustained on the long term.

In this context, European companies often innovate and set good examples for energy efficiency measures and “green” management. In the last decades, many energy saving measures have been introduced in the business sector, for considerations that are mostly legal and financial. Those positive approaches are in line with management schemes such as ISO 14001, ISO 26000 and EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme).

How can that make a change in citizens’ behaviour? Many citizens in Europe work in companies that have already implemented efficient and inspiring environmental measures. When economic decisions are in line with environmental aspects, there is a potential for win-win benefits that should be enhanced. For example, if a company promotes among their staff the use of bikes and public transport when commuting to work, they will reduce the need for parking lots and save on space and money. If such an approach comes along other incentives such as, for example, a free or subsidised public transport pass, employees will use car less often on their way to work, also making substantial energy and financial savings.

A growing number of companies have in this context promoted the active participation of employees in environmental projects, e.g. with initiatives like an “environmental project of the month”. Employees can thus be informed through their employer about the benefits of energy efficient measures and behaviours that they can apply at home.

Linking home life and working life for energy transition

We are all aware that companies in the private sector, in which most European citizens work, have a profit-making objective. However, due to regulations, marketing purposes, etc., these companies have now to follow a more holistic approach, also taking environmental and social issues into account. They have to balance economic objectives with other aspects, in particular the needs to mitigate climate change and promote the energy transition.

Climate related issues figure amongst the biggest challenges we must face today. As scientific evidences demonstrate, increase in temperatures and its related effects (such as sea level rise, extreme climatic events or ocean acidification) have been accelerating in the last decades, with dramatic consequences not only for the environment but also in all aspects of our life. These consequences could rapidly become irreversible.

The fifth report of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), released in 2014 and 2015, reaffirmed the anthropogenic origin of the phenomena, which is directly related to our greenhouse gases emissions. These emissions are not only the product of big companies, countries or Industries; they are first of all related to our production and consumption patterns and to energy systems that are heavily reliant on fossil fuels.

To deal with this issue, international negotiations have occurred within the framework of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) for more than two decades. However and despite increasing evidences, one must admit that things are far from moving towards the right direction. During COP21 (21st Conference of Parties of the UNFCCC) in Paris, the first universal agreement on climate was adopted. The international community agreed on the objective to limit global warming well below 2°C by 2100, and make the best efforts to limit it within 1.5°C. A 2°C target means, concretely, that we should leave at least 2/3 of current fossil fuels reserves underground.

This would require drastic changes which cannot only be based on technological solutions, whether it is for renewable energy or energy efficiency. To fulfil the climate objective, comprehensive and in-depth behaviours changes are necessary at the individual level. While European citizens feel more and more concerned about climate change, their actions remain too scarce and not many can link this issue to the energy transition.

To act and change, European citizens therefore need first to be conscious of their own energy/carbon footprint and to have a clear picture of the changes they can take. They also need to be aware that these changes are critical to facing climate change effectively and that the transition also brings opportunities for employment, economic and social development, etc., eventually building-up more resilient and fair societies.

Citizens-driven circular economy in buildings

In opposition to a linear approach (where we extract, produce, use and throw away) we should rethink our economy in a circular way, where we take into account the biological cycle of materials and also the technical cycle. The biological cycle is the one of materials that can be composted. The technical loop is the cycle where the materials are reused into the producing process.

We have to evolve from a « throw away and replace » to a « repair, return and renew, disassemble and regenerate » culture. How do we translate this to the building sector? The building sector is producing a large amount of waste and material use, and is one of the main source of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in Europe. Using waste as resources but also limiting the amount of waste generated are the guiding principles, with the following objectives:

  • Lengthening the buildings’ lifecycle as long as possible. This involves good maintenance, repair, monitoring and renovation of the building;
  •  Designing for deconstruction: anticipating the demolition phase of building elements for later reuse (new joining techniques, appropriate tools….);
  •  Designing for “reversibility”: ensuring the ability of a building to be adapted without the need of heavy renovations;
  •  Dismantling properly: ensuring that materials can be reused by a well organised dismantling process;
  •  Implementing measures to improve general waste management on site;
  •  In situ re-employment principles: reuse the material or the element somewhere else, within the building site or nearby;
  •  Making a rational use of resources and energy.

As many works in buildings are done by owners themselves (Do It Yourself – DIY), the purpose of this focus subject will be to show citizens how they can apply these circular economy principles at their own level. This will eventually lead to save on embedded energy in new materials and on energy used to treat waste properly.

Citizens involvement in energy policies

Energy public policies have not been able to fully involved citizens. Discussions on this topic have mostly been limited to a narrow circle of national and European institutions, experts and a small number of interested civil society organizations (CSOs). Still, one of the basic characteristics of modern democracies is a developed and empowered civil society, capable of carrying key messages and influence decision makers.

The active role of citizens on one hand, and openness and transparency of public institutions on the other, lead to open dialogue, cooperation and partnership. Sustainability of this cooperation and of the overall societal development is also linked to the respect for human rights and equal participation of women and men.

Since January 2003, the European Commission has thus been applying the “General principles and minimum standards for consultation of interested parties by the Commission” act. “Starting the consultation at an early stage in the legislative procedure helps to improve the effectiveness of policies whilst reinforcing the involvement of interested parties and the general public.

The specific role of CSOs is also defined – “Civil society organisations act as relays between citizens and the European institutions, thus encouraging policy dialogue and the active participation of citizens in achieving the aims of the European Union.” Another important document is the code of good practice for civil participation in the decision-making process which was supported by the Committee of Ministers in a Declaration in which it “recognises the importance of the Code of Good Practice as a reference document for the Council of Europe, and as a basis for the empowerment of citizens to be involved in conducting public affairs in European countries”.

Since then, the public consultation process has been reinforced with the aim to involve all stakeholders. It allows to gather information about their issues, opinions and recommendations, to better design policies to the needs of the population and to improve acceptance. It raises the level of understanding of the policies’ goals, but also help to anticipate the weaknesses and potential negative impacts of a public policy that would ultimately need to be abandoned.

The energy transition in rural areas

According to website, predominantly rural areas are home to around 112 million people in the EU (European Union) and represents over half of the 28 Member States’ territories. Agriculture and food industry account for 6% of the EU’s GDP (Gross Domestic Product), with 15 million companies and 46 million jobs.

Whereas considerable opportunities exist in rural areas for renewable energy development, most companies and citizens still use traditional processes based on fossil fuels, especially coal and oil. The housing stock is often older than average and more widely spred than in cities, and as such tend to be less energy efficient and more expensive to maintain. On the good side, the potential for energy refurbishment is important and could be a tremendous local source of job opportunities.

During C4ET’s first phase of activities, a state of the art and SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis were conducted to better define the profile of rural areas. Among the strengths were found the strong availability of renewable energy resources (wind, sun, hydro, and biomass), and the existence of numerous best practices that could easily be scaled up. On the other hand, the lack of information and informal training opportunities as well as the massive use of fossil fuels were identified as weaknesses. The facts that rural areas are more vulnerable to climate change and that housing are less energy efficient were also enhanced. Finally a high level of unemployment exist but it also means that the energy transition could serve as a lever to generate new economic opportunities.

Influence companies to adopt eco-friendly policies

“Most Europeans think that citizens themselves should take the lead role in influencing the actions of companies, through the purchasing decisions they make, followed by company management (40%) and public authorities (36%)”, according to Eurobarometer.

Citizens play a key role in the energy transition, first of all as direct consumers of energy but also of products with more or less embedded energy. Most citizens are also part of groups and companies in which they can enhance the transition not only by adopting sustainable behaviours but also by influencing the decisions and habits of the group as a whole.

CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is now widely promoted in companies. According to a study led by Trebag, leader of this focus subject, in Hungary with 44 companies, 41% of the interviewees told that they do use CSR in a conscious way. However, there is no evidence that their knowledge on energy and environmental issues is sufficient for them to move towards sustainable production patterns

Within this focus subject, we will therefore emphasise the role of citizens as ambassadors of the energy transition towards companies. The purpose is specifically to show how citizens’ and employees’ behaviours (at work but also through consumers patterns and even through lobbying) can influence the decisions and orientations taken by management team.

The materials developped will empower citizens, giving them the necessary methods and supportive materials to take up this role of ambassador. Thanks to the tools at their disposal, citizens will become more aware of the opportunities they have to act but also to influence the actions of their companies regarding environmental and energy issues.

©2020 C4ET 

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use 
which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project code: 2015-1-FR01-KA204-015349


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